Last week at our Eumundi Shop, I worked on
a pine side tables.

I had given it a quick wash at home to get off all the dust and cobwebs, and it looked pretty clean, or so you might think.
After a spray with my White Lightning mix (available here >, and a wipe down with a clean cloth, you can see how looks can be deceiving.

I had to wash and rinse twice to get rid of all the ingrained dirt. There is also a video available on how to prep your funiture using White Lightning here
Then I gave the top a quick sand with my palm sander. I didn’t bring it right back to a perfect finish as I wanted to keep some of the rustic farm look to it.
I applied a coat of Fusions Stain and Finishing Oil (SFO) in Cappuccino, just with a clean piece of lint free cloth, and wiped back after a minute to give it a bit of colour but not too dark.

Fusions Stain and Finishing Oils are available here:
So after finally having it spick and span clean, I started what should have been a quick paint job with Dixie Belle Chalk Mineral Paint in Cotton, only to find the dreaded…… Bleed through after the first coat.

Not to worry. Better to find out sooner than later. So I whipped out my trusty tin of BIN Zinsser, and gave it a coat. It still seemed to be showing a little yellowing, so I applied a second coat, an tada….. like magic it was fixed.

Two coats of Dixie Belle Chalk Mineral Paint in Cotton, and it looked as fresh as crisp linen bedsheets.

Dixie Belle Chalk Mineral Paint Cotton available here:

I added some Redesign with Prima transfer pieces from French Ceramics II, I had left over to the door and painted two new flat timber knobs I had and applied the transfer to them also.

French Ceramics II available here:
And Walah…..

What a difference a coat of paint and a little effort can make.

I was going to make a matching pair with these until I noticed that for some reason the little legs had been cut off the one making it just a little shorter than the other.
Hmmm do you think anyone would notice or care? What do you think, match them up or do two different styles. Love to hear your thoughts.
Happy Painting!
1 comment
I’d cut off the other legs to make them even, then put new feet on both – probs something funky from the recycled world!